Ernest Fackler Woodcuts

Artist Reception & Printmaking Demo

with Ernest Carl Fackler

Sunday, June 23 — 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Ernest Carl Fackler is a local artist, printmaker, and painter who specializes in reduction woodcuts. His vibrant artwork will be on display in the Ferndale Library’s program room throughout June. Then, on Sunday, June 23, the library will host a special closing reception that will feature an exclusive demonstration, during which Fackler will detail his printmaking process and his approach to making reduction woodcuts.

“My work is concerned with our natural world,” said Fackler, “and how it falls into dreams and is affected by dreamers.” He added that he strives to make works that can, in effect, become “...short stories” that are “...told in a voice of spatial experiments, motifs, and natural forms—when these three are melded together in a picture, they create a wholly new depiction of spatial relation, in which decoration, space, and the figure coalesce.” Find more info at:
